My Distress Supply Chart

Here was my dilemma~ Oxides is the only set I bought all of the original released colors and wanted to inventory my Distress stock. I wanted a quick reference to what colors and in what products I have. Although I could keep track of them with the Ranger Ink website charts and labels, I wanted to see them in their color family and with minimal sheets. I also use Tim’s App (which I love) but really wanted to see where I needed to fill gaps at a fast glance.

I don’t just put a checkmark in the appropriate column, I actually use the product to indicate I have it. This allows me to actually see the dried color and texture. Plus, once filled in it is awesome to look at that beautiful rainbow. I also have 2 charts going~ one for home and one for my purse. I do it this way because I never know when I will make a stop at a store and the chart is always conveniently in my purse.

I use the ‘other’ column for stickles, enamels and if I have made a mini-mister for this color. Stickles/enamels don’t follow the actual distress color palette so I just place them in the closest column. This was important for me to know but you could use this column for whatever other product you use with the distress color.

I do believe the colored crackle line is discontinued but I have a few which warranted a column. Plus I mix up blends using paint and rock candy, so it helps me to know which ones I have mixed.

What to do when an item is used up? I place a penciled X through the marked indicator which lets me know it needs to be replaced, example weathered wood stain. Once replaced, I will erase the X.

Here is my page #2 at the moment~

supply chart example


The chart works for me and if it works for you be sure to comment.  Grab the free PDF file HERE.

Have a blessed day,



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