‘Blessings’ *Top 3 Pick for FJB

Another great challenge going on over at Frilly and Funkie blog for Funkie Junkie Boutique.

Description for the challenge:

“Hi! Suzz here. I am back to bring your our final challenge for this year! We will be hosting the challenge for the next two weeks and then we will all be off until the New Year!

December for many of us is a time where we give and receive. That had me thinking about the most memorable gifts I have received over the years. These including a signed book from one of my favorite authors, handwritten notes from my children, a singing hot dog condiment stand and the first gift my husband gave me when we were dating. I want you to be inspired by one of your most memorable gifts. Use that inspiration to create a vintage or shabby chic project. You can make a card, a tag, share a journal entry or any kind of project you desire. Just be sure to mention the memorable gift and how it inspired your creation”.  

Most memorable (5)

So, for some odd reason I am not good at recalling memories, stories, events and such. This was a true challenge for me due to nothing jumping out at me, let alone creating a project to go along with it. I kept at it though and finally decided on what I wanted to focus on. Not a gift I received but one I have been blessed to give. Bear with me (remember I said I wasn’t a story teller) ……

I was raised by my, god bless his soul, father from the time I was three. When my husband and I were expecting our first child back in December of 1997, I knew what I wanted most of all for my kids, to be a stay at home mom. I gave up my career of 15 years as a automotive designer, made budget adjustments and made it happen. As the kids kept coming ~ 3 under 2 1/2 I thought maybe I was a bit off my rocker for wanting to still stay at home. Oh there were trials, let me tell you but not a day goes by (even today) that I would change that decision made some 20 years ago. In all actually, I do receive gifts and daily because of what wonderful, well rounded, smart, confident and loving kids we have raised.

If you get a chance, head on over to Frilly and Funkie and check out the projects, link to the blogs and read the memories. There are some really great, uplifting stories being shared.

Most memorable (2)

It was a bit difficult capturing pictures of the tag due to the mirrored hearts and the reflective properties. I used white Stazon with SA TH collection Swirly Snowflakes and the snowfall background stamp. I also stenciled Transparent glossy texture paste through THS050, added silver embossing powder, let dry and then used heat tool.

Most memorable (8)

TH Christmas paper dolls represent my three kids playing in our acre and half treed lot. I wanted a more solid tree from the TH Sizzix thinlits so I cut them out of a deep green kraft core and the deep brown. Then placed the brown ‘inners’ in the spots of the green die cut, if that makes sense.  The frame panel was distressed with stain, THD paint in weathered wood to Ranger crackle paint and applied with finger randomly. Gave it a chippy paint feel.

Most memorable (4)

Most memorable (10)

For blessing I used grunge board alphas. Base of THD picket fence paint, glossy accents then dipped in distress glitter dust. The color is fabulous! not to gold, not to silvery, perfect vintage 😉

Most memorable (3)

I used chipboard for the words, the base is THD paint in picket fence, then used finger to apply brushed pewter. Used rub ons and big chat for words

Most memorable (9)

The bow is TH satin ribbon sprayed with brushed pewter mica spray. I also used metallic paper with the bow thinlits (both big and small), then ran through texture fades embossing folder then used bell brad to hold together.

Thank you for viewing and have a wonderful Christmas! xo



  1. Dear Wendy, one of the things I wanted most in the world was to be a SAHM for my kiddos too! I am so blessed to have done so until our youngest started school. I love that your tag represents your children growing up playing in the woods. Each and every detail of this is magnificent and how I wish I could see it in person!!! it’s truly an honor to have you play along with us at Frilly & Funkie. Merry Christmas, Autumn


  2. Ditto, here, Wendy! Wanting to be a SAHM was a must for our family planning, and we waited a long time to be able to do it, saving every penny we could for several years to have as a safety net. I, too, was raised by my Dad for several years–he was a single dad of 6, with my younger brother mentally retarded. He had his hands full for sure!

    Now onto this FABULOUS depiction of your special blessing: I am in awe of every single detail, but the colors and that snowy scene really speak volumes to me, along with the words that give special meaning. Truly a love filled STUNNING work of art that will be so special to include in your Christmas decorations for years to come. Oh how I, too, would love to see this in person!

    I am delighted you have become a regular contributor to Frilly and Funkie’s gallery and challenges! I love your work! Merry Christmas!


    • Oh my 6 kids, yes his hands were definitely full. So happy that it worked out for you and yours to be a SAHM, too 😉 TY kindly for your compliments, they are always so uplifting 😉 I am blessed to have found Frilly & Funkie and Funkie Junkie 😉 ! xo xo


  3. I could so relate to your wonderful story, and having lots of young children at home. I, too, was given the gift to be a SAHM with our five children. My husband worked extra hard to make that happen, as he was raised by baby sitters and older siblings and felt the loss of it all his life We, too, scrimped and saved and cut corners to make it possible. I , too, had days where I wondered if I was nuts. At one point I had 4 children under the age of 7! We ended up with 5, and I also homeschooled. This was such a moving post, and an incredibly gorgeous project. I love the reflective elements, as they tie in with your reflections on your choice to stay home and be a mom. Just a wonderful, heart warming post! Thanks for playing along in our Most Memorable Gift Challenge at Frilly and Funkie! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


    • I am so pleased you enjoyed my project and the inspiration behind it. I am really touched that you understood why I choose the mirrored sheet, xo. 5 and homeschooled! woowzers, I didn’t have that in me, lol. God bless and wishing you and yours Happy Holidays 😉


  4. My goodness Wendy your project is absolutely wonderful, capturing not only that frosty brilliance of winter landscapes and falling snow but also the blessing of time spent as a family. I remember well how hard it was at times for me and my husband having a new born with a 2 and 4 year old under foot, but wouldn’t have swapped it for anything. Thank you for joining us at Frilly and Funkie and sharing your memories xx


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