Love Etc. Tag *Top 3 Pick FJB

I couldn’t stop at just 1 project this go around with The Funkie Junkie blog challenge ‘All You Need Is Love’ (details here) and my Sending Monster Sized Love card has the details, too.

I had a project that just wasn’t working. I kept putting it aside, coming back to it, struggling but really LOVED the texture. What to do ~ rip it apart and gesso.

I don’t ever throw anything away. I looked beyond the crazy bold colors and decided this could be a decent base for a layered mixed media/steampunk kinda project. I then grabbed a bunch of tidbits, Distress collage medium and started layering.


I find when I am doing this type of project that it comes together easier if a paint each layer and also after adding a couple of elements. I  liked the idea of gray gesso vs black or white. This would allow for the red to pop and not lose the black shadows or white highlights. Be sure to mix what you use, also. I have paper cut from dies, wood, metal, burlap, grungeboard, foam stickers, cardboard and even 3-d flowers.

love tag (17)

Add some Distress candied apple paint, dry brush white gesso and add watered black soot where shadows are for pop. A few close ups ….

love tag (15)

love tag (8)love tag (9)love tag (16)

Completely different than how this Idea-ology Etcetera Tag started out but I sure do LOVE it!

Thank you for viewing and have a LOVEly day! xo


  1. THUD! Wow, Wendy, this is AMAZING! You had me at grey gesso, but with the added Candied Apple and Black Soot, I truly think my heart skipped a couple of beats! What a marvelous way to go from “wasn’t working” to “It Totally ROCKS”! Your peeling chippy bricks and crackle texture is stunning and all those details just beg for this to be picked up and turned this way and that to really see it all! Yup! THIS is my favorite of yours! And of course, we are thrilled to have you join us for a second time at Frilly and Funkie for All You Need is Love! (And all I need is one of these!) Hugs!


  2. I am so glad you didn’t throw this away. The end product is fabulous. So much yummy texture and layering! I really like the way you laid out the l-o-v-e chips in an arc. Thanks so much for joining the fun at the Frilly and Funkie All You Need is Love Challenge!


    • oh my, you made my heart swell! So sorry to worry you, I have been working on acrylic abstract canvas paintings and not so much paper crafts the last few weeks. Strangely enough, I currently have a project on my table that I hope to enter into the new F&F challenge, though. TY for being you and I will be back at it real soon, xo xo!


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