Beautiful Blooms Card

Hello and TY for joining me today 🙂 I needed a fast, bright card for a friend today and figured I would kind of multi task to enter it into the Monday Challenge over on Simon Says Stamp blog.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms (4)

I started by masking off Tim Holtz Specialty Stamping 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″ card stock with 1 1/4″ diameter circles cut from super sticky post it notes. I choose to use this cardstock vs watercolor paper because I wanted the slickness of this paper to allow the water to flow plus I knew I wanted a really crisp image of the blooms.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms (6) I used a watercolor wash brush and applied Distress Inks (Mowed Lawn, Peacock Feathers, Dusty Concord, Candied Apple, Carved Pumpkin & Mustard Seed) with water blocked out around the circles. Once dried, removed the post it masks.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms (9)

For the circle color, I applied inks directly to the cap of an embossing powder (this happened to be a perfect size but any smooth, plastic, solid cap would do), spritzed with water and then stamped it onto the white circle. I really liked how this left a pool of color but you could totally free hand brush in this color if you like, too.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms (1)

Next I using a squared piece of Sticky grid I masked off the circles. Using newly released Tim Holtz Archival Ink colors in Spiced Marmalade, Peacock Feathers, Peeled Paint, Dusty Concord, Fossilized Amber and Barn Door stamped with Mini Bouquet CMS269 silouette flowers.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms (5)

Love how this looks and could stop here but I chose to finish the card with a few more details ….




I placed the post it masks over the circles again and stamped with Archival Inks with Tim Holtz Stampers Anonymous Media Marks1 CMS362.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms (3)

For the background layering mat, I randomly stamped the Media Marks in the six colors onto another piece of Specialty Stamping card stock.

Wendy Baysa Beautiful Blooms.WM(2)

All done~ a pretty easy, colorful and unique card. I hope I have inspired you to try this out 🙂 Funny, I started out this card wanting to leave quite a bit of white space. Guess I need to keep trying, lol.

As always, have a blessed day and happy creating!

Wendy, xo xo

I have entered this card in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Be sure to head on over and check out all the awesome inspirational pieces the design team has made this week.

I have supplied the links to products I used but it’s a courtesy,  I am not affiliated with Stampers Anonymous.




  1. Wow Wendy, it looks anything but fast to me! I just love the techniques you used, they are so effective and the result is very pretty indeed! Hugs, Anne xx


  2. White space??? What’s that??? This is such a cool card, Wendy, and I’m so happy you shared your techniques. I was scratching my head when I saw it on THA–tee hee! A fabulous result and I’m sure your friend LOVED it! Best of luck at SSS! Hugs and Happy Easter!


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